What requirements must my packaging meet to qualify as a trademark specimen?

Photo of Igor Demcak

Written by Igor Demcak

Founder & Trademark Attorney

Submitting a photo of your product packaging as a trademark specimen is a good choice if you sell physical goods. However, to be accepted, your specimen has to meet the following requirements:

  • The specimen must be legible.
  • The mark depicted on the packaging must be the exact same version as the mark in the trademark application.
  • The photo must be real; it can't be digitally created or altered. For example, you can't submit a photo of the packaging with the mark digitally superimposed onto it.
  • From the photo, it must be clear what product you sell. For example, a closed box displaying nothing but the mark may be refused. On the other hand, open/see-through packaging showing the product inside or a packaging with a product description/picture might be acceptable. What's important is for the examiner to be able to tell what goods you manufacture from the photo alone.

If you want to see some examples of product packaging used as a trademark specimen, you can browse our Specimen guide.

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