If a trademark monitoring service notifies me of a similar trademark application, how much time do I have to respond?

Photo of Tomas Orsula

Written by Tomas Orsula

Senior Trademark Attorney

If you find a similar mark in your trademark monitoring report, you can respond during that mark's opposition window, the length of which depends on the jurisdiction. Opposition windows tend to be open for 1-3 months, but you have to account for the time it took you to get the notification since your monitoring solution won't search the database on a daily basis. Therefore, when you receive the monitoring report, be sure to check the deadline for responding.

It's worth mentioning that the market standard for trademark monitoring solutions is to offer monthly reports. If you only have a one-month opposition window, like in the US, this can lead to situations where you are left with too little time to respond. Therefore, we offer Trademark Watch with weekly monitoring.

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