What is the price for 2 or more trademark classes in the UK?

Photo of Jan Buza

Written by Jan Buza

Co-founder of Trama

The price for UK trademark registration depends on the type of application you choose.

The base fee for trademark registration in the UK is £170 for online applications and £200 for paper applications. This base fee includes one class of goods and services. Each additional class is £50; a fee for an international application is £40 plus additional WIPO fees.

The UKIPO also offers a Right Start application for a £200 base price. Here, you pay half the fee upfront and receive an examination report prepared directly by the UKIPO. Then, if your mark meets the criteria for registration and you're allowed to proceed in the process, you pay the second half of the fee.

Please note that this includes the government fees only. If you file your application through a representative (an attorney, law firm, or an online legal service), an additional fee for their services will apply.

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