If you discover infringement during your regular trademark monitoring practice, your options might include the following:
- If you monitor trademark databases and someone applies for a trademark identical or similar to yours, you can simply oppose the mark.
- You can report the issue and request a takedown for trademark infringement on social media, app stores and online marketplaces.
- You may initiate a domain dispute resolution process for web domain infringement.
- You can also send a cease and desist letter to the offending party.
- If the other party is a newly incorporated company with a similar name, that by itself doesn't constitute infringement, but you can send them a notice letting them know about your trademark and your willingness to send a cease and desist letter if they launch a similar product or service.
- If the infringing party does not comply with the cease and desist letter, you may choose to take further legal action.
It's worth mentioning that if you are subscribed to a trademark monitoring service, some or all of these might be already available to you via your provider.