Does widening or narrowing down the classes of goods and services affect the chance of a success?

Photo of Igor Demcak

Written by Igor Demcak

Founder & Trademark Attorney

Widening or narrowing down the classes of goods and services specified in a trademark application can potentially affect the chance of a successful registration, although it ultimately depends on the distinctiveness and strength of the mark itself. The primary consideration should be selecting the most accurate and relevant classes that align with the actual goods or services associated with your mark.

Widening the classes by including a broad range of goods or services may increase the likelihood of encountering conflicts with existing trademarks. This is because the broader the scope of your mark, the higher the probability of similarity or overlap with other registered or pending marks. The trademark examiner will carefully examine the potential for confusion between your mark and prior marks within each class. Therefore, widening the classes can potentially lead to objections or refusals based on a likelihood of confusion.

On the other hand, narrowing down the classes to more specific and focused categories can sometimes enhance the chances of a successful registration. By clearly identifying the precise goods or services that are directly associated with your mark, you can establish a stronger basis for distinctiveness and uniqueness. It reduces the risk of conflicts with existing marks and strengthens your position in demonstrating the specific nature of your mark within a narrower scope.

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