Volvo Trademark Holding AB v. Paalupaikka Oy

Volvo Trademark Holding AB

Case details

Defendant: Paalupaikka Oy

Case no.: R0776/2018-4

Jurisdiction: European Union

Industry: Cars

Decision date: 03 Mar, 2021


As confirmed by T 356/18 and R 411/2020-1, which concerned almost identical signs to those here, the degree of similarity required under Article 8(1)(b) and Article 8(5) EUTMR is different, and the contested sign here was found to be sufficiently similar to one of the earlier signs for 8(5) to succeed. For the same reasons, it succeeds here too (citing GC judgment and applying it to facts at hand). Reputation has been proven, and govem the use of the (nearly) identical font for the letter ‘V’, which is also the dominant element of the contested sign, the same colours used in the conflicting signs, and the same circular structure, the relevant public will certainly establish a link . There is sufficient resonance triggered between the signs in conflict, such that the leitmotifs conveyed by the earlier rights to consumers will, at least, cause them to be more favourably disposed to purchase the products of the defendant, is reinforced by other information provided by the appellant in its statement of grounds of appeal. In particular, there appears to be a pattern of behaviour by the defendant to ‘sail close to the wind’ in relation to earlier trade marks with a reputation in the motor industry.

Comparison of Trademarks