What are the benefits of registering a trademark?

Photo of Tomas Orsula

Written by Tomas Orsula

Senior Trademark Attorney

Trademark registration represents a legal mechanism for achieving effective brand protection. Essentially, trademark registration ensures that the brand cannot be infringed upon by copycats and that its uniqueness and distinctiveness, as perceived by the consumers, are maintained. The benefits of registering a trademark go even further as a successful trademark registration protects against both identical brands and brands showing high levels of similarity. All in all, the very mechanism of trademark registration fulfils the role of clarifying the sole ownership of the brand, preventing any potential consumer confusion.

Direct benefits arising from registering a trademark can be, therefore, related to commercial gains stemming from the fact that consumers can recognise the particular brand and that brand owners can grow brand awareness and consumer loyalty without the risk of their brand being infringed upon by copycats.

In addition to the fact that trademark registration represents the most effective way to protect the #1 asset of virtually any company, its brand, there are numerous practical benefits associated with this process. These advantages, however, vary considerably between individual industry sectors. An example can be made of trademark registration representing a key requirement for gaining access to Amazon Brand Registry, which is of vital importance for e-commerce retailers. Startup companies are more likely to be driven towards trademark registration in order to meet the requirements laid down by the investors.

For a more thorough list of benefits brought by trademark registration, please go through our article in Trademark Academy. Additional information related to the benefits for specific industry sectors can be found on our blog, covering online retailers, startup companies, fashion retailers, musicians and others.

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