What is WIPO?

Photo of Jan Buza

Written by Jan Buza

Co-founder of Trama

WIPO stands for the World Intellectual Property Organization. In simple terms, the WIPO member states regulate the overall direction of activities and the budget through the WIPO's highest decision-making bodies.

The WIPO has two main objectives. The first one is the promotion of the protection of intellectual property established through collaboration between the WIPO member states, alternatively by the aid of external international organizations.

The second objective is focused on establishing and safeguarding administrative cooperation among the Unions. By Unions, we specifically refer to the Paris Union and all special Unions established in relation to it, the Berne Union and other international agreements directed to advocate for intellectual property protection.

WIPO's services are recommended when filing a trademark application for multiple jurisdictions, while it might be easier and cheaper as well. You will need a pending application in one of the member countries in advance, called the office of origin. In simple terms, the WIPO member states regulate the overall direction of activities and the budget through the WIPO's highest decision-making bodies.

The WIPO has two main objectives. The first one is the promotion of the protection of intellectual property established through collaboration between the WIPO member states, alternatively by the aid of external international organizations.

The second objective is focused on establishing and safeguarding administrative cooperation among the Unions. By Unions, we specifically refer to the Paris Union and all special Unions established in relation to it, the Berne Union and other international agreements directed to advocate for intellectual property protection.

WIPO's services are recommended when filing a trademark application for multiple jurisdictions, while it might be easier and cheaper as well. You will need a pending application in one of the member countries in advance, called the office of origin.

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