The Agency vs. The North Agency: How important is trademark search for business branding?

Branding is an essential element of every business, as every name, logo, and identity carries immense value for potential customers. For that reason, protecting your brand from conflicts and legal disputes is paramount. The recent trademark dispute between real estate firms "The Agency" and "The North Agency" serves as a stark reminder of the critical importance of conducting a comprehensive trademark search before registering any new business name, logo, domain, or related branding elements.


Igor Demcak

Details of the case

In the case of The Agency Group Australia Limited v H.A.S. Real Estate Pty Ltd, a trademark infringement dispute unfolded between two real estate companies. The plaintiff, The Agency Group Australia Limited, and its subsidiaries claimed that the defendant, H.A.S. Real Estate Pty Ltd (operating as "The North Agency"), had violated the Trade Marks Act 1995 and the Australian Consumer Law (ACL) by:

  1. Infringing registered trademarks held by The Agency Group.

  2. Engaging in misleading or deceptive conduct that could mislead consumers, which is prohibited by the ACL.

  3. Making false or misleading representations, suggesting sponsorship or approval by The Agency Group.

  4. Passing off H.A.S. Real Estate's services as connected or associated with The Agency Group.

The dispute revolved around the use of similar branding elements, including business names and logos, by both companies. Notably, the case raised the question of what constitutes "use" of a trademark, including in digital contexts like email addresses, website URLs, Facebook names, and Instagram handles.

Court's Decision

The Federal Court, presided over by Justice Jackman, delivered a judgment that resonates with profound implications for trademark law and the importance of a thorough trademark search. Justice Jackman's verdict rested on several key points:

  1. Common Usage of the Word "Agency": The ordinary consumer's expectation of the word "agency" being commonly used in real estate business names in Australia was emphasized. Granting exclusive rights to such a commonplace term would create an unjust monopoly, contrary to the principles of trademark protection.

  2. Differentiating Features: The addition of "NORTH" in "THE NORTH AGENCY" was recognized as a substantial differentiating feature from The Agency's "AGENCY" mark. This distinction was not just geographical; it served to distinguish The North Agency, underscoring the significance of unique branding elements.

  3. Consumer Confusion: The evidence introduced indicated that several other real estate agencies used the word "Agency" in their brand names, and some even employed a roof-shaped device in their branding. This heightened the likelihood of consumer confusion between The Agency and "THE NORTH AGENCY," reinforcing the importance of avoiding branding similarities.

  4. The Definite Article "THE": The inclusion of "THE" before "AGENCY" in The Agency's mark conveyed a claim to uniqueness among real estate agencies. This meant there was no real risk of consumers mistaking "THE NORTH AGENCY" for a commercial extension or sub-brand of The Agency.

One of the critical aspects of this case that deserves attention is the failure of The North Agency to conduct a thorough trademark search before adopting its business name, logo, and branding elements. While the Court ruled in their favor, the defense of good faith would have been unsuccessful if required, as the defendants did not take the necessary steps to ensure their branding did not conflict with registered trademarks.

Trademark law includes a requirement of good faith, which is not merely the absence of fraud or conscious dishonesty but also includes a need for reasonable diligence in ascertaining that a chosen name or logo does not conflict with a registered trademark. This requirement includes conducting a search of the trademark register maintained by the relevant authority, such as IP Australia.

In this case, despite being aware of The Agency's existence and branding, The North Agency did not conduct a search of the trademark register to determine what marks had already been registered. This omission of a fundamental step in the trademark registration process could have exposed them to significant legal risks.

This serves as a reminder that conducting a comprehensive trademark search is not just a legal requirement but a strategic step to ensure brand uniqueness, protect against potential legal challenges, and ultimately secure a strong and distinct market presence. In a competitive business environment, the effort invested in trademark research is an investment in the long-term success and reputation of the brand.

Igor Demcak
Igor Demcak

Trademark Attorney

Founder of Trama

7 year experience in IP protection

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