Trademark goods & services items - Nurseries, day-care and elderly care facilities

Detailed overview of item "Nurseries, day-care and elderly care facilities", which is part of Nice class 43

G&S item: Nurseries, day-care and elderly care facilities

For which industries and sectors would we recommend listing this G&S item in the application?

Corresponding terms recognised by different IPOs

The list of accepted terms for specifying the applicant's goods / services offered under a given brand varies between individual IPOs. Find out more about the corresponding terms in different countries.

Intellectual property office name

Item name

Flag of the European Union


Nurseries, day-care and elderly care facilities

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Flag of Australia

IP Australia

Nurseries, day-care and elderly care facilities

What are trademark classes of goods & services?

  • List of goods and services

    45 Classes of goods & services

    All goods & services are categorised into 45 Nice classes

  • Selection

    Choosing the right classes

    The selection of classes defines the scope of trademark protection

  • Application success

    Maximising application success

    Tailor-made selection of relevant classes for all our clients

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