Trama, a global provider of trademark registration and brand protection services, has compiled all important information about this grant. This unique opportunity for SMEs can be used to:
Get 50% discount on administrative fees for trademark registration. Since this discount comes to a total of 425 € per EU trademark application, SMEs can apply for more than trademark under this scheme. In case you are not familiar with the benefits offered by registering your trademark, we recommend reading one of our articles - “Why you should register a trademark for your brand”.
Get 75% discount on research and verification services provided by national Intellectual Property Offices. Thanks to the unique blend of automated AI solution and dedicated team of expert trademark attorneys, Trama offers a free verification within 24 hours which effectively renders this use of the grant useless.
Who can apply?
Small and medium sized businesses that:
Are located in the member countries of the European Union
Have less than 250 employees
Show annual turnover below 50 million €
Show balance sheet total below 43 million €
Application process overview

Distinctiveness of a brand represents a key requirement for successful trademark registration. In other words, the meaning, or specific text / visual elements need to be unique in order to meet this criterion for registration of a trademark. The trademark itself needs to clearly distinguish the company’s products / services from the offering of other organisations.
Trama therefore recommends to start with a verification of registrability well-beyond submitting the EUIPO grant application itself. We offer this service free of charge and you get the result in 24 hours. Moreover, you can avoid unnecessary complications caused by insufficient distinctiveness of the trademark that could lead to a rejection of the trademark application. Our experienced trademark attorneys are here to help you find the best solution if needed.
Additional information are needed to submit EUIPO grant application, including VAT number and bank statement. Team Trama is here to support you along the way and for a small fee of 100€, we can submit the application on your behalf.
The approval process may take between 1 to 4 months, depending on the period when you apply (further details on deadlines are discussed below). After you have been approved for the EU grant, we can file the trademark application. Receipt from this transaction needs to be send over to EUIPO and you’ll receive the discount payment.
A total of 20 million Euro has been allocated by EUIPO to support brand protection efforts. This grant program is structured into 5 phases, as shown in table below.

Any drawbacks?
Just one, but quite significant. By applying for the EUIPO grant, you prolong the period through which your brand remains unprotected. Application deadlines are listed in table above and depending on when you decide to apply for this grant, you could wait anything between 1 to 4 months for the outcome. With over 30,000 new trademarks being registered on a daily basis, you risk that by the time you receive the outcome of the EUIPO grant, someone else may have already registered your trademark, impeding your brand protection efforts.
Save both money and effort, and apply with Trama!

Team Trama is here to support you along the way. By applying for this grant and consequent trademark registration through Trama, you’ll benefit from:
Dedicated professional support along the way that will maximise your chances to succeed in applying for the grant
Simple, quick and stress-free process of application
Advice from our team of experienced trademark attorneys that will help you select the most suitable mark for the trademark application
Free verification of registrability for your mark
Money-back guarantee on successful registration
End-to-end protection that will ensure adequate level of protection for your brand
I’m interested! What now?
The whole process starts with a free verification of registrability, the result of which will be available in 24 hours.