S10 Entertainment vs Samsung: A Trademark Battle Over the "S10" Mark

In a recent legal case, S10 Entertainment & Media, LLC ("S10 Entertainment") has filed a lawsuit against Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. and Samsung Electronics America, Inc. (collectively, "Samsung") alleging trademark infringement and unfair competition. The case revolves around the usage of the mark "S10" by both parties and has brought to light important questions regarding trademark ownership and brand recognition. Let's delve into the details of this intriguing legal battle.


Igor Demcak

Details of the case 

S10 Entertainment, a talent management company founded by Brandon Silverstein in 2017, is the plaintiff in this case. They argue that they hold the senior rights to the "S10" mark, having registered it in 2018 in connection with their music-related services. S10 Entertainment represents artists, negotiates contracts, and organizes events in the music industry.

On the other side, Samsung, a renowned electronics company, has been using the label "S10" as part of its "Galaxy S" smartphone series. Samsung contends that their usage of "S10" falls within their "family of marks" associated with the Galaxy S brand. They argue that the sequential naming convention of their smartphones, starting from the original Galaxy S in 2010, establishes a recognizable common characteristic among their products.

Trademark Infringement and Unfair Competition

S10 Entertainment asserts five claims against Samsung: trademark infringement under the Lanham Act, contributory trademark infringement, unfair competition under California state law, and unfair competition in violation of the California Business and Professions Code.

S10 Entertainment's "reverse confusion" theory of infringement suggests that consumers might confuse Samsung's usage of "S10" with their own established trademark. They argue that Samsung's widespread marketing efforts, mass sales, and the proximity of their products to the music industry could contribute to this confusion.

Samsung counters these claims, contending that their usage of the "S10" mark is part of their well-established "family of marks." They argue that the public associates the Galaxy S series with Samsung, and therefore, there is no likelihood of confusion.

The Court's Decision

The court has considered the arguments and evidence presented by both parties andfound that there are disputed questions of fact regarding the nature of the usage, advertising, promotion, and distinctiveness of the alleged family marks. The proximity of goods and services offered by both parties has also created triable issues of fact.

According to court document, the jury found that S10 Entertainment had not shown that Samsung was likely to cause confusion between its famous phone name and the agency, thus rejected the claims of trade mark infringement.


The jury verdict highlights the importance of presenting strong and compelling evidence in trademark cases, and it underscores the challenges in proving likelihood of confusion in the face of well-established and famous brands. The outcome of this case will undoubtedly have significant implications for future trademark disputes and the standards of proof required to establish infringement. It serves as a reminder to companies and individuals to carefully navigate the complex landscape of intellectual property rights to protect their brands effectively.

Igor Demcak
Igor Demcak

Trademark Attorney

Founder of Trama

7 year experience in IP protection

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